Í átt að sjálfbærni í ferðaþjónustu á höfuðborgarsvæðinu
Borgir og svæði um allan heim vinna að því í mismiklum mæli að efla sjálfbærni sinna áfangastaða. Það er erfitt að finna stefnu þar sem...
Borgir og svæði um allan heim vinna að því í mismiklum mæli að efla sjálfbærni sinna áfangastaða. Það er erfitt að finna stefnu þar sem...
What kind of soft skills do we need as leaders in tourism? The other day I was asked to present on important „skills in tourism“. My mind...
I have been looking into trends now that I am back and so many interesting trends going on. One of the things I saw are some numbers on...
Well I have not written in a while... and it has been a good reason for it. After trying for years, I finally had my little miracle, a...
In the COVID-19 era, there has never been a more challenging time to be in the business and marketing of travel and tourism – which...
I spoke to the New York Times journalist Paige McClanahan in her travel podcast Better Travel on how tourism has grown and evolved in...
I will be sharing my views on how we worked with the brand Iceland as a destination in this webinar with International Place Branding...
On the World Tourism Day, 27 September 2021 it was revealed that I am working together with Travel Kollekt on offering travelers and...
The world is slowly starting to spin again and we see the light at the end of the tunnel to start travelling. Well depending on where we...
I think we all want to know how the travel year 2021 will develop if it will develop at all – despite it already is February. We all keep...
"If you believe it will work out, you´ll see opportunities. If you believe it won´t you will see obstacles.” Wayne Dyer This year has...
Ég er stolt af því að hafa starfað með íslenskri ferðaþjónustu til fjölda ára og kynnt hana á erlendum vettvangi. Síðasta árið hef ég þó...
In times of Covid19, it is important to get as much fresh air and stay healthy as possible, so I spend my free time hiking around...
Scenarios from OECD estimate that the decline in international tourism will range from 60-80% in 2020. According to OECD governments...
All Destination Marketing and Management offices (DMO) are in a rollercoaster these days both dealing with the pandemic within the...
This summer we are seeing destinations focusing on their domestic markets. I have noticed three interesting campaigns this summer, in...
Í COVID19 hafa verið miklar umræður um áfangastaði og framtíðarþróun þeirra. Ferðaþjónusta mun í framtíðinni verða áfram mikilvæg fyrir...
In Covid19, there have been a lot of discussions about destinations and the future development. Most destinations want to have...
Today, we are seeing more and more countries saying that they will open in the next coming weeks. The openings of the countries have not...
In the last few weeks, there have been a lot of discussion on the future of tourism. Reset, rethink, restart are all buzzwords that are...
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